Thin Green Line - WR Original Kid's Line

Regular price $24.49 Sale price $34.99

Hat Color: Black 320T
Patch Color

Inspire your little hero with our "Thin Green Line" Leather Patch Hat for kids – a tribute to the brave men and women of our military, as well as dedicated federal agents, park rangers, and wildlife officers. Featuring an engraved leather patch with the American flag and a green line hand-stitched on, this hat isn't just an accessory; it's a symbol of respect and admiration for those who protect our country and natural resources. Available in Chestnut Brown or Black leather, let your child proudly display their support for our nation's defenders.

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Holiday Ordering Deadline

Our holiday order deadline was November 14th. We are 4 weeks out on all orders that are currently being placed with our 30% off promotion. These orders will be delivered in late December/ January, and holiday delivery is not guaranteed at this time.

We sincerely appreciate everyone's patience as we work through our current orders, and please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. Thank you!

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